Robolight LED FlareLight Kit is the ultimate in safety, control and warnings. FlareLights are small, extremely versatile and more effective and safer than traditional road flares. Providing a safe alternative with a wide range of applications, FlareLights can be placed anywhere, they have strong magnetic bottoms, and they use long-lasting, rugged LED technology. Set up takes seconds. Kit includes powdered coated metal weights that will keep strobes in place if needed. Lights can be seen for miles. Shock Resistant LEDs (blinking or steady burn patterns) Each strobe uses 4 AA batteries. LED Bulb Life: 10,000 hrs. Battery Burn Time: 50+ hrs (blinking pattern) Kit 7029: Each Kits contains 4 Red and 1 Amber Flarelights and 5 separate metal support plates to secure lights to any surface. Batteries are also included. The LED Flarelight kit is housed in a small crushproof and warterproof plastic case. Flarelights can also be purchased separately. Colors: Red, Amber, White, Green & Blue. We will also provide you with a custom kit of the colors of your choice.